Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make healthier

I never cook anything in the microwave. I might re-heat leftovers, boil a cup of water, or melt butter in it, but I never actually cook anything. This product, the Microwave French Fries Maker, might make wonderfully crisp and tasty fries to give McDonald's a run for its money, I don't know. I wasn't about to fork over the money to find out.

Since I have never used this device I can only judge it based on its design. The description at Amazon claims the diameter of the tray is 8" and I'd say the box was a good 2" thick. It looks awkward. I can't imagine taking the time to put every individual french fry into a little slot. I also can't imagine having to clean out the four little condiment squares if the dish was not washed immediately.

I did laugh at a few of the bullet points on the bottom left-hand side of the box. "Make healthier"? I think they could have worded that more betterer. And one of my pet peeves is the misuse of "less" when it should be "fewer" so I wanted to scratch out "less calories" and change it to "fewer calories". I get the same urge at a grocery store if the express lane has a "12 items or less" sign. (My grammar is far from perfect but that doesn't stop me from getting sanctimonious about the few mistakes that irritate me.)

One more point: there were two of these, one on top of the other, on the shelf. I wonder if, somehow, these items came from two separate people and ended up being donated to the same thrift chain at around the same time. I don't know why I wonder that, I just do.

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