Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spanish Conquistadors

I had to take this photo as sneakily as possible because there was another customer near me who seemed to love everything she saw. I know this because she kept making comments to her husband, who seemed equally enthralled. "Oh! Look at this honey! A plaster squirrel with a silver ball on its back! And look at this! A hand-painted angel on a hatbox! Someone spent a lot of time on that; it's beautiful!" To which her husband would reply something like, "And look at all the frogs! There's one here and here and here, and another one over here!" I was afraid they would ask me what I was doing if they saw me snapping a photo so I hid the camera under a pile of clothes I was carrying and did the best I could.

And as you can see, it was fully worth the effort. These wall hangings were pretty big, at least a foot tall and they must have weighed five pounds each. I can't really convey just how ugly they were but I can say they were even uglier in person. I  guess they were supposed to flank your giant painting of Cortes and his men laying siege to Tenochtitlan.

Be sure to click on the photo for an enlarged version. (You might regret it in this instance, but I had to throw it out there.) They did not come home with me.

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