Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I buried Paul

I am such a sucker for vintage graphics that I will buy things that I don't need just so that I can have the box or packaging. I especially like images of food. So when I found this vintage Wm Rogers Slice 'n Serve Set at the Salvation Army I had to bring it home. The blurb on the front claims this set is ideal for serving cranberries, sliced pineapple, cucumbers, tomatoes, and many other appetizers. Since we don't eat any of the foods specifically listed we'll have to serve "many other appetizers" in this silver-plated dish.

The cover shows cranberry sauce, raw tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, green peppers, carrot sticks, bright green olives with bright red pimentos, celery sticks stuffed with...something, and one other appetizer that I cannot identify. It looks like a big block of soft cheese surrounded by some sort of brown or red sauce or jelly. As is often the case with vintage food graphics, the colors are off just enough to make everything look unappetizing.

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