Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saucy franks

I am always delighted when I find old cookbooks that have color pictures or recipes that make me laugh. This 1968 Better Homes & Gardens Casserole Cook Book has both.

First up is a yummy little dish called Hamburger Pie:

Sounds good, right? Beef, onion, canned green beans, canned tomato soup, a dash of salt and pepper, and fake mashed potatoes. I just don't think it gets any better, or better-tasting, than that. And this is what it looks like:

Remember you can click to enlarge the photos, then click again for a really big version!

Next up is the Chili Con Weine. I just love that name.

And last, two more weenie recipes. Wiener Bean Pot with 2 pounds of pork and beans, and my favorite, Saucy Franks with bacon and pineapple juice.

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